Healthcare Women Connexxt

A first-of-its-kind community for women in healthcare finance, risk, and compliance to connect through webinars, mentorship, networking events, and more.
About Healthcare Women Connexxt
As the first female partner on Kodiak’s healthcare consulting team, Colleen Hall identified the need for a community where women can feel supported in building their professional presence in the healthcare finance, risk, and compliance sector. In 2022, she set out to fulfill that need with the Healthcare Women Connexxt program.
The program is open to healthcare professionals – all genders, ages, and experience levels. We believe it is the responsibility of (and ultimately benefits) all individuals to empower and advocate for women’s leadership in the workplace. The goal of Healthcare Women Connexxt is to provide education and support for all those looking to grow their careers in the industry through webinar sessions, mentorship programs, and thought leadership. Register to receive communications on events and content related to the Healthcare Women Connexxt program.
Get in touch with us
Looking to advance your healthcare leadership journey?
Join Kodiak Healthcare Women Connexxt today.
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Colleen has more than 20 years of experience in the healthcare industry, with 15 spent providing consulting services to academic medical centers and more.
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