What Is Revenue Cycle Management in Healthcare? (2024 Guide)

Find out the key stages—from patient registration to final billing—and how to improve financial efficiency.

Jul 9, 2024

Colleen Hall

SVP, Revenue Cycle

What Is Revenue Cycle Management in Healthcare? (2024 Guide)

According to McKinsey & Company, inefficiencies in revenue cycle management cost healthcare institutions 15 cents for every dollar generated in revenue. And with the total healthcare spending in the US growing by 4.1% to hit $4.5 trillion in 2022, healthcare administrators overseeing financial operations are looking for new ways to optimize the revenue cycle for increased cash flow, reduced claim denials and write-offs, and improved patient experience.

But what is revenue cycle management in healthcare, and how can organizations ensure optimized financial operations? This article explores the revenue cycle process, the key metrics and KPIs to track, and strategies to enhance revenue cycle performance through analytics and utilizing our solutions.

Revenue Cycle Definition in Healthcare

So, what is the healthcare revenue cycle management?

Revenue cycle (RC) management refers to the financial process that tracks patient care episodes from initial registration through final payment. For healthcare organizations, RC management enables getting paid for providing services. It involves overseeing all the financial components of patient care, beginning with scheduling an appointment and ending with receiving payment.

RC management comprehensively involves the following:

  • Optimizing resources and reducing risk
  • Technology and expertise
  • End-to-end management

Optimizing Resources and Reducing Risk

RC management helps optimize resources and reduce financial risk. It aims to increase the percentage of claims paid on the first submission, reduce days in accounts receivable, and minimize write-offs. Effective RC management leads to cleaner claims, faster payments, and less time spent on follow-ups. It provides insight into revenue leakage points and helps plug them.

Technology and Expertise

Many healthcare providers use RC management technology and services to simplify and optimize the revenue cycle. Kodiak Solutions uses robotic process automation, machine learning, and human experts to help manage the pressures of the revenue cycle. They provide automation for repetitive, high-volume tasks as well as strategic consulting for complex issues.

End-to-End Management

Comprehensive RC management oversees the entire revenue cycle, from patient access and insurance verification through clinical documentation, coding, billing, and payment processing. It aims for a streamlined process with minimal disruptions or obstacles. End-to-end RC management should reduce healthcare costs, accelerate cash flow, and enable staff to focus on high-value work.

With the rise of high-deductible health plans and increased patient financial responsibility, RC management is increasingly important for healthcare organizations’ financial viability and patient satisfaction. Effective RC management leads to a better patient experience, greater revenue realization, and lower costs — a win for providers and the patients they serve. Continue reading to learn more about why RC management is important in a healthcare organization.

The Importance of Revenue Cycle Management

With a comprehensive RC management workflow, organizations can optimize their resources, improve financial performance, enhance patient experience, and gain data-driven insights that can be useful in improving their health services.

1. Streamlined Workflow and Resource Optimization

Effective RC management optimizes your revenue cycle workflow by identifying and eliminating inefficiencies. It helps ensure that each staff member is utilized to their full potential by reducing redundancy and automating repetitive, low-value tasks. This frees up your resources to focus on high-priority initiatives that drive revenue and support patients.

2. Improved Financial Performance

RC management directly impacts your organization’s financial health by accelerating cash flow and revenue. It helps prevent revenue leakage by ensuring that all billable services are captured and billed appropriately the first time. RC management also reduces the number of days in accounts receivable by improving the billing and collections process. The result is an increase in net revenue and cash reserves, which leads to greater financial stability.

3. Enhanced Patient Experience

When done well, RC management leads to a better experience for your patients by minimizing surprise bills and confusion over what they owe. Patients receive transparent, accurate bills in a timely manner, with optional payment plan options. This helps build trust in your organization and a willingness to pay on the part of patients. RC management also gives staff more time to focus on patient needs instead of chasing down payments.

4. Data-Driven Insights for Strategic Decisions

Effective RC management provides analytics and key performance indicators that offer visibility into your revenue cycle operations. These data-driven insights enable strategic decision-making around staffing, technology investments, and process improvements. Organizations can see where issues exist, understand the root causes, and take targeted actions to optimize performance. This data-driven approach is key to continuous improvement of your RC management over the long run.

In summary, revenue cycle management leads to steady revenue streams, optimized resources, enhanced patient experience, and data-driven insights. For healthcare organizations, RC management is essential for financial viability, and with the right strategy and solutions in place, it can drive sustainable success. So, what are the components and processes that actually make up an effective RC management?

Revenue Cycle Management Processes and Workflow

Employing the right workflow when implementing RC management into your organization is critical to ensuring accurate reporting and efficient performance. For the best result, consider utilizing our range of solutions; our team can help your organization with management practices and technology to simplify the process while still achieving the best result.

That said, here is a breakdown of what an RC management workflow entails:

  1. Identifying patient services
  2. Documenting services
  3. Coding and billing processes
  4. Payment and follow-up
  5. Reporting and analytics

1. Identifying Patient Services

The first step in the RC management process involves identifying the services provided to patients. This includes activities like verifying patient insurance eligibility and benefits to determine the patient’s out-of-pocket costs. Healthcare providers can then estimate the total charges for services to be billed.

2. Documenting Services

Once services have been provided, clinical documentation must be recorded in the patient’s electronic health record. Proper documentation includes recording details about the patient’s condition, diagnosis, services provided, and treatment plan. Accurate documentation is essential for compliance and to support claims submitted for reimbursement.

3. Coding and Billing Processes

Coding specialists analyze clinical documentation to assign standard codes that describe the patient’s diagnosis and services provided, using the ICD-10 (diagnoses) and CPT (procedures) coding systems. These codes are used to generate claims that are submitted to insurance payers for reimbursement. Medical claims go through a validation and scrubbing process using automated systems to check for errors before submission.

4. Payment and Follow-up

After claims have been submitted, the healthcare provider awaits patient payments from insurance companies or the patient. RC management software aids in collecting patient service revenue by tracking the status of all claims and payments to provide analytics on metrics like days in accounts receivable and claim denial rates. Follow-up on unpaid or denied claims is required, which may involve appealing the payer’s decision or billing the patient directly.

5. Reporting and Analytics

Robust reporting and analytics tools are essential for managing revenue generation workflows and optimizing medical services performance. Key metrics on areas like days in accounts receivable, claim denial rates, and net collection rates provide visibility into broken or inefficient workflows. Data can be analyzed to set key performance indicators and hold teams accountable for meeting revenue cycle targets.

Effective medical billing revenue cycle management is essential for healthcare organizations to maintain financial viability. For the best result, consider partnering with RC management technology and service providers like Kodiak. The future of healthcare will depend on innovative tools and techniques to simplify this complex but critical business process, and experts are well-equipped to help your organization reach that future. Continue reading to learn more about using technology in RC management.

Using Technology to Optimize Revenue Cycle Management

Technology has been instrumental in the growth of the healthcare industry, and RC management isn’t left behind in this trend.

A comprehensive RC management procedure will require the following technology integration:

  1. Electronic health records and practice management systems
  2. Automation and artificial intelligence
  3. Cloud-based solutions
  4. Dashboards and reporting

1. Electronic Health Records (EHR) and Practice Management Systems (PMS)

EHR and PMS platforms are fundamental tools for managing the revenue cycle. EHRs contain patient demographic and clinical information that feeds directly into the billing and coding process. PMS software handles the business aspects, like scheduling, billing, and reporting. Integrated EHR-PMS solutions provide a seamless flow of information across the revenue cycle.

2. Automation and Artificial Intelligence

Healthcare organizations are increasingly adopting automation and AI to optimize revenue cycle management. AI tools can review charts, extract relevant billing codes, and recommend the appropriate level of service. Automation handles repetitive, high-volume tasks like insurance eligibility verification, posting payments, and sending patient statements. This reduces manual errors, accelerates the billing cycle, and allows healthcare professionals to focus on more complex issues.

3. Cloud-Based Solutions

Cloud-based revenue cycle management platforms are convenient, affordable, and secure. They eliminate the need for on-site servers and IT infrastructure, streamlining upgrades, maintenance, and security. Cloud-based tools also facilitate remote work, as staff can access systems from any location with an Internet connection. During events like natural disasters, pandemics, or power outages, cloud-based platforms ensure business continuity.

4. Dashboards and Reporting

Advanced analytics, dashboards, and reporting provide data-driven insights into revenue cycle performance. Key metrics include days in A/R (accounts receivable), first-pass resolution rates, denial rates, and net collection ratios. Dashboards display this information in an easy-to-understand graphical format so managers can identify trends, detect issues early, and make data-driven decisions to optimize the revenue cycle. Reporting also helps health organizations evaluate the performance of individual staff members, departments, and locations.

In summary, technology solutions like EHR-PMS platforms, automation, AI, cloud computing, and analytics help streamline financial processes, reduce errors and waste, gain useful insights, and improve the patient experience within the revenue cycle. By working with experts at Kodiak to implement the right technologies, healthcare organizations can achieve a high-performing revenue cycle that maximizes reimbursement while minimizing costs. However, health organizations are often confused about whether to implement the technology in-house rather than outsourcing — let’s see the benefits of both options below.

Outsourcing vs. In-House Revenue Cycle Management

Outsourcing your revenue cycle management to a third-party provider allows your organization to leverage industry expertise and advanced technology without the costs of developing in-house solutions. External RC management services have specialized knowledge and skills in medical billing processes and coding, and they stay up-to-date with the complex changes in healthcare rules and regulations. They can also provide end-to-end RC management solutions, from charge capture to denial management and everything in between.

Why should you outsource Revenue Cycle Management?

Outsourcing RC management enables organizations to dedicate more time to patient care and can also result in significant cost savings in the long run.

Focusing on Patient Care

Outsourcing the revenue cycle management process allows your staff to focus on administrative and clinical functions. RC management services handle the entire revenue cycle process, including verifying insurance eligibility, submitting and following up on claims, posting payments, and appealing denials. Your employees avoid the additional RC management challenges, allowing them to concentrate on patients’s health needs. Your patients also benefit from reduced wait times and better healthcare services.

A Cost-Effective Solution

Third-party RC management experts are more affordable, highly skilled, and can provide everything your office needs for a fraction of the cost of in-house solutions. There are no expenses for extra staff, training, and technology resources. These RC management companies leverage economies of scale to keep costs low. They pass on those savings to clients through competitive pricing models. Most offer customized packages based on the specific needs of your organization.

But what are the benefits of in-house revenue cycle management?

In contrast, in-house RC management involves handling all aspects of the process, from billing to collections, within your healthcare organization using your own staff and technology resources. While this option may provide more control, it requires substantial investments in software, equipment, training, and additional staff.

Organizations with an in-house RC management team may find it challenging to keep up with the frequent regulatory and payer changes. In-house RC management also distracts staff from patient care responsibilities. For most organizations, outsourcing RC management is the more practical and cost-effective choice.

If you need a strategic partner that understands your needs and is willing to adjust to your organization’s vision to ensure an overall positive experience, contact us at Kodiak. With our expertise and dedication to excellence, your organization can have an effective RC management workflow without sacrificing your vision and quality. We’ll now wrap up this article with a final note on improving the revenue cycle of a hospital.

How to Improve Revenue Cycle Performance

Revenue cycle management is critical to the financial stability and success of healthcare organizations. By improving revenue cycle performance, organizations can optimize revenue, reduce costs, and improve patient satisfaction.

Here are some areas of consideration:

  1. Monitor and closely manage every claim and denial.
  2. Encourage prompt payments.
  3. Automate and audit the eligibility and payment cycle.

1. Monitor and closely manage every claim and denial.

One of the biggest opportunities for enhancing revenue cycle management in health care is claims and denial management. By closely monitoring claim submission and denial rates, you can identify areas for improvement.

For example, if you notice high denial rates for a particular insurance provider or service line, you can retrain staff on proper billing procedures or work with the insurance company to clarify requirements. You should also analyze the reasons for denials to fix any issues on the front end.

2. Encourage prompt payments.

Targeting patients with a history of making timely payments can also help boost revenue cycle performance. You can provide incentives for patients to pay bills promptly, such as offering payment plans with no interest charges. You should also educate patients about their financial responsibilities to avoid surprises and confusion down the line.

3. Automate and audit the eligibility and payment cycle.

Automating and auditing processes related to verifying insurance eligibility, sending patient statements, and posting payments can significantly impact your revenue cycle management. Double-checking information for accuracy at each step reduces the possibility of errors that could delay or prevent payment. Using technology solutions to automatically check eligibility and send electronic statements also improves efficiency.

Other steps organizations can take include:

  • Reviewing contracts with insurance payers to ensure proper reimbursement rates.
  • Providing revenue cycle management training for staff.
  • Offering patient financing options and payment plans to increase collection rates.
  • Monitoring key performance indicators like days in A/R, first pass yield and net collection rate.

By taking a strategic approach to revenue cycle management through optimizing processes, leveraging technology, and focusing on patient experience, you can achieve sustainable financial performance and growth within your healthcare organization. With constant assessment and improvement, your organization’s RC management can transform into a well-oiled machine.

Reach out to us at Kodiak to implement an effective RC management system!

Frequently Asked Questions

What Is The Revenue Cycle In Healthcare?

According to the Healthcare Financial Management Association, the revenue cycle in healthcare refers to the the entire clinical and administrative processes involved in capturing, collecting, and managing revenue from patient’s health services. In other words, it entails all processes involved in rendering health services, from creating the patient account (during a doctor’s visit) to payment for the healthcare services rendered.

What Are The Six Stages Of The Revenue Cycle In Healthcare?

The six stages of the revenue cycle in healthcare facilities include:

  • Patient pre-registration
  • Registration
  • Verifying eligibility
  • Capturing charges
  • Submitting claims
  • Posting payments 

These steps ensure financial viability through efficient patient service revenue collection.

What Are The Three Main Components Of The Revenue Cycle?

The three main components of the revenue cycle include:

  • Front-end processes, like patient engagement and registration
  • Middle processes, like resource and service tracking
  • Back-end processes, like claims processing and revenue collection

Optimizing these processes is key to building an effective and efficient RC management.


In summary, what is revenue cycle management in healthcare?

Revenue cycle management is a crucial component of any healthcare organization’s financial health and viability. By optimizing the entire process, from patient access to claims resolution, organizations can drive efficiency, cash flow, and revenue. With the right RC management strategy and solutions tailored to your organization’s needs, you can reduce costs, minimize errors and denials, and improve the patient experience.

Though RC management transformation requires an investment, the ROI in terms of revenue and reputation is immense. For sustainable success, approach revenue cycle management as an ongoing journey—not a one-time fix—and take advantage of our range of solutions. With a willingness to innovate, evolve, and collaborate across your organization, you can build an RC management system that powers growth and stability for your healthcare business.

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